Just because Pride won’t be taking place in person this year, it doesn’t mean we can’t still celebrate! This year’s theme is You!Me!Us!We! which is a rallying call for allyship within our community at a time where LGBT+ communities may feel more divided than ever.

FreeBar will be celebrating pride this year with an online event exploring visibility in the legal profession and they are delighted to be joined by Ruth Hunt, newly appointed Baroness of Bethnal Green, former Chief Executive of Stonewall and author of the Book of Queer Prophets who will be delivering our keynote address.

There will then be a panel discussion with speakers from the Bar community to discuss their own experiences and what more we can do to support our community. Speakers will include:

  • Dr Chelvan – barrister at No5 chambers, member of the government’s LGBT advisory panel and international officer for UK Black Pride.
  • Elizabeth Isaacs QC – barrister at St Ives Chambers, Deputy High Court Judge and Bencher at Lincoln’s Inn
  • Alison Padfield QC – barrister at 4 New Square and elected member of the Bar Council
  • Alex Southern – Senior Practice Manager at Tanfield Chambers and member of IBC Management Committee
  • Caroline Harrison QC – barrister at 2 Temple Gardens and Bencher at Lincolns Inn

The evening will then be rounded off with an (optional!) LGBT+ themed quiz hosted by FreeBar with a host of surprises and a prize up for grabs. Join by yourself or part of a team, everyone is welcome! Bonus points for the best pride themed outfits.

You do not have to identify as LGBT+ or to work in the legal profession to join this event, our aim is to bring people together at a time when rallyship is more important than ever.

A zoom link will be sent out in due course and registration details can be found at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/youmeuswe-lgbt-visibility-in-the-legal-profession-tickets-110388555140