
In the Administrative Court Practitioners’ Guide section, you will find links to topics of practical significance to public law practitioners.The Practitioners’ Guide is intended as a practical guide to the Administrative Court and its practice and procedure for use by ALBA members and attendees at our annual Judicial Review Seminars.

In our lecture papers section, you can find outlines, lecture notes and seminar papers from past ALBA events. The content is reproduced with the kind permission of their authors, and is intended as a point of reference for our Members. Please note that not all of our past meetings and seminars have accompanying outlines or lecture papers. Copyright remains with the authors. The materials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of ALBA.

Our consultations section contains submissions made by ALBA in response to Government consultation papers on areas of law relevant to ALBA Members. The submissions are usually the work of sub-committees whose work is subsequently approved by the full ALBA Committee.

The ALBA news archive section provides a back catalogue of earlier ALBA newsletters, going back to 2003. More recent updates are sent by email and contain information of interest to Members, including details of upcoming events as well as other matters of concern to public law practitioners.