Opens Thursday 15 June 2023 at 1pm

Closes Thursday 29 June 2023 at 1pm

The JAC has been asked to identify candidates to recommend for the post of Recorder. The jurisdiction of a Recorder is similar to that of a Circuit Judge. Recorders are required to read and assimilate case papers before a hearing or trial commences and play an active role in case management. Recorders control the manner in which cases are conducted and decide issues of law and procedure that may arise during a case and provide reasons for any ruling.

Vacancies are anticipated across all jurisdictions (Crime, Civil and Family). Experience of the jurisdictions is not a pre-requisite for appointment and recommendations will be made solely on merit. Final deployment decisions will be made by the Judicial Office.

Number of vacancies: 125

Location: England and Wales

Eligibility: Applications are invited from solicitors and barristers in England and Wales with at least 7 years’ post qualification legal experience. In addition, candidates should be able to offer a reasonable length of service, usually of 4 years, before the statutory retirement age of 75.

Salary/Fee: £701.84

For further details and any questions about the vacancies please contact the selection team:

 Find out more information about the role and apply here.