Date: Wednesday 05 October 2022

Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm

Join Lincoln’s Inn for their upcoming Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Forum, “Social Mobility: Where to start, and where to find answers”

They will be discussing the following topics:

-How social mobility is currently being addressed in education and the corporate world

-What are the most effective ways to improve social mobility in society, and what has been proven NOT to work

-Are the legal professions, particularly the Bar, doing enough?

They will be inviting speakers with a range of experience of growing initiatives in outreach and support in different areas, to have an open discussion with the audience around improving social mobility in organisations.

This event is open to anyone interested in building awareness on what is meant by socio-economic status and how we achieve social mobility, in particular lawyers who are involved in management, recruitment, EDI and career progression across the legal sector. Those who book to attend remotely will be sent the Zoom link on the day of the event.

Doors Open: 5:45 pm
Talk: 6:00 pm
Q&A: 6:45 pm
Drinks Reception: 7:15 pm
Finish: 8:30 pm
Location: The Ashworth Centre and Online

Please note this is a free event but booking is essential. Please book you space here:

Please contact the Member Engagement Team via if you have any questions.