FreeBar has designed a Charter to guide organisations at the Bar in implementing best practice with regards to LGBT+ inclusion and to allow organisations to demonstrate to potential applicants and clients that they are (or are working towards becoming) an LGBT+ inclusive organisation.
They will be launching the Charter at an online event on 18th November, where their speakers will explain the origins and content of the Charter, and how it can help your organisation be a welcoming place for LGBT+ people. They are delighted to be joined by Daniel Winterfeldt QC (Hon) MBE of Reed Smith, who will be their keynote speaker.
The event will open at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start and will include an introduction to the Charter, a Q&A session and something lighter to finish, in true FreeBar style!
They encourage as many organisations as possible to sign up to the Charter – including if LGBT+ inclusion is still a work in progress for you – and they invite you to join the launch event as an introduction to the Charter. Anyone working at the Bar is welcome to join the event, particularly those who will be responsible for signing and implementing the Charter at your organisation. You can RSVP by emailing: